Sunday, July 18, 2010

30 Day Challenge – Day 08

* Short term goals for this month and why *

  • Do the laundry (at least the small items) and iron hubby’s clothes – I haven’t been doing the laundry and ironing for months now due to the pregnancy and hubby even had to wear wrinkled clothes to work sometimes. I’m just lucky to have a supportive MIL who does our laundry and ironing when she’s here in Manila.
  • Walk as a form of exercise. Everybody needs to exercise especially me now that my feet are starting to swell. I was advised against this by my OB because of the mild contractions I’ve been having the past few days but I’m hoping she’ll give me the go signal when we come in on my next prenatal check up.
  • Eat less rice and more fruits. This is so I won’t gain too much weight and won’t have a hard time come labor day.
  • Minimize my online hours. I’m online for 2-3 hours every morning and then again every evening for 3-4 hours. I’d like to minimize this just to save on the electricity bill.
  • Stop fretting about my stretch marks. Even before they appeared I was very vocal to hubby that I don’t want to see stretch marks on my thighs and tummy. I’ve been doing some preventive maintenance by rubbing Palmer’s lotion but then the marks still appeared. I make a face every time I see them in the mirror but this I have to stop ‘coz as they say, “Stretch marks are a mom’s badge of honor.”

1 comment:

Golden said...

I agree, "stretch marks are a mom's badge of honor". I admire mommies who don't mind having stretch marks on their body.

Wow! I can pretty much relate to your short term goals. I also need to minimize my online hours.

Lots of love,

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