Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Am I Ready for My Close Up?


My photo hobbyist sister has been making me kulit to have my maternity shoot done. We had it scheduled last July at Nuvali but had to postpone a few days before because I was prohibited by my OB from traveling due to the mild contractions that I was experiencing that time. So, we just decided to have the shoot at a location closer to me. We considered some locations like Paco Park or at the Orchidarium in Rizal Park but we end up choosing the MOA Seaside grounds and we’re going to do it tomorrow morning. The truth is I’m not that excited anymore to have my maternity shoot because it has been pretty uncomfortable for me to move around that much, what with my huge belly in the way. Also, I don’t feel pretty anymore and my tummy has stretch marks all over (well, nothing that Photoshop can’t correct, right?). But still. Well, I guess I’ll just have to get it over and done with. This is my first pregnancy anyway so it really is a good idea to have it documented on photos. :)

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