Saturday, January 1, 2011

My New Year's Resolution

It's the start of another year, the start of making new promises made to be broken. So, as a tradition, here's my New Year's resolution for 2011.

  • Never sweat the small stuff. I'm such a worrywart and I know that I sometimes go overboard with my worrying so to rid myself of more stress I'm making 2011 worry-free for me. Good luck to myself.
  • Find more work from home opportunities. I've been vocal about me wanting to return to the work force after I give birth not minding the reminders that some already-mom-friends of mine told me that I wouldn't want to work after I see my son. Now, after almost 3 months, what they told me proved to be true so I want to find home based work so I won't have to leave my son at home.
  • Give myself some me time. I know some people might think that I'm being selfish for wanting to spend time for myself given that I have an infant to care for. But, I think this is important to keep my self esteem and my sanity in check.
  • Learn how to cook. It has been on my list for so many years although I know how to cook the simpler ones, I don't scratch it out yet as long as I haven't cooked Caldereta and Callos.
  • Learn how to bake. I want to learn how to bake those super cute cupcakes that we had during our wedding and during my son's christening. Who knows, this might be the business that would make me earn lots.
  • Learn how to sew. Using an automatic sewing machine, that is. Trying to learn how to use the old-school kind where you use a pedal is just too much for me. Sewing will be a hobby so I could create curtains and bedsheets according to my taste.
  • Spend some quality time with the hubby. 2010 is all about the baby that hubby and I forgot to take care of our relationship. Our bonding time for 2010 has been the trips to the OB while I was pregnant then shifted to short trips to the supermarket to buy infant formula and disposable diapers. I want 2011 to have more dates for me and hubby minus the nappy changes. Hmm, I should look for someone to look after Johan for those dates.
  • Minimize online shopping for Johan. Towards the end of the year, I have my most number of purchases for Johan. So now, I am left with tons of clothes that has never been worn that my son might overgrow soon.

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