Friday, January 21, 2011

Johan’s First Out-of-Town Trip

Well, it’s not really out-of-town considering that Tagaytay is just 30 minutes away from where we live but still.. =)

Hubby and mine’s friends from Hawaii came home last week for their annual vacation. They were the same couple that went with us on our first out-of-town trip to Puerto Galera in 2005. Now, six years later, with kids in tow, we head on to the nearest tourist destination which is Tagaytay.

We left home after lunch and went to People’s Park then had dinner at RSM Restaurant and dropped by Mushroom Burger for some take out. Johan is, as usual, very quiet and just looked around while Hubby carried him. He even fell asleep after being fed while Hubby had him in the SaYa carrier.

Going back to Tagaytay brings back a lot of memories. We were just there last year for our honeymoon and now we were able to bring our little Johan Matthew with us. Hopefully, we could travel to other places even if Johan is still a baby and more so when he’s a bit bigger.




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