Saturday, January 23, 2010

I'm Still Here!

I know, I know! I haven't been posting a blog for a while but it's been really tiring these past few weeks. I started my new work on January 4th and I think my body's not pretty much adjusted to working on the graveyard shift again after being on "hiatus" from the corporate world for four months. Every weekend since then were a bit packed with schedules - with friends coming in from the states, baby christenings, Sto. Nino festival in Tondo, night outs with college buddies. I haven't been sleeping much on those weekends, I even stayed up for 24 hours straight because some of those events required me to go straight to the venues right after I got off shift from work on a Saturday morning. 

Bummer! But, I sure had fun!

It's great to connect with college friends again, to continue my Mom's "panata" to the Sto. Nino to visit every year during the feast, to enjoy a night out with hubby and our friends and talk about the good ol' times. I'll post different blogs for each event soon. 

I'm still here, alive and kicking. But, just for today, a weekend, please, pretty please, let me go back to sleep. =)

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