October 4, 3:00 a.m.
I woke up feeling a little wet down there. I stayed in bed and observed myself first before I got up and went down to the bathroom to check. Confirmed, my water bag has broken but there's not a lot of water coming out, just a small amount of fluid enough to fill the liner that I was wearing.
October 4, 3:15 a.m.
I felt more than just a small gush of water came out so I went down to the bathroom again to check and this time I saw small traces of pinkish fluid which I assumed as blood. I went back to the bedroom and went online deciding to wait for contractions to begin before I wake my sleeping husband and before I inform my OB.
October 4, 4:00 a.m.
I started preparing my bag and added things like cellphone chargers and PSP. I checked the documents and the admission order given by my OB and made sure that everything is in my bag. Contractions are now 5-7 minutes apart. I woke husband up and told him I think it is time.
October 4, 4:45 a.m.
I called my OB and told her we're on our way to the hospital. Contractions are 3-5 minutes apart.
October 4, 5:00 a.m.
We arrived at the hospital and I was immediately ushered to the Delivery Room to have myself assessed. The resident OB did an internal exam and it appeared that I was still 1cm dilated but my OB ordered them to admit me already since my water bag has already ruptured.
October 4, 6:00 a.m.
I was moved from the IE room to the Labor Room. When I arrived there was only one other pregnant mom in labor and upon talking to her I learned that we are both first time moms and she was expecting a girl and she has been there since the night before. I was hooked up to a fetal monitor to check the baby's heart beat and also to monitor how frequent my contractions are becoming.
October 4, 7:00 a.m.
Another IE was done and my cervix has not moved from the 1cm dilation. Contractions are still 3-5 minutes apart lasting 30 seconds each.
October 4, 10:00 a.m.
My OB finally arrived and checked me. After doing another IE, we learned that I only moved another 1 cm making me only 2cm dilated after 7 hours since my water bag broke.
October 4, 12:00 noon
My OB decided to give me some drug to induce labor and to hasten my dilation. The drug worked in inducing labor. The contractions and the pain doubled up since the drug was given to me and I was really squirming in bed from the pain. But, it did not help in dilating my cervix. The resident doctor then passed me a note from my mom and sister cheering me on that I can do it and just keep praying.
October 4, 3:00 p.m.
It has been 12 hours since my water bag broke. I was in so much pain but never did I scream out loud. I just bit into the towel that I was holding whenever a contraction is starting to drown out any scream that would come out. I was uring myself to stay strong for my baby and all this pain will be gone once Johan Matthew arrives. By this time, my OB decided to give me my epidural even if I was only 3 cm dilated after seeing how much pain I was in.
October 4, 6:00 p.m.
Another IE was done, sadly, I was only 4 cm dilated. After hours and hours of labor, my cervix just won't cooperate and open up to let my baby slide out. I was begging my OB by this time for another shot of epidural since the first one that was administered didn't really do it's job of easing me off the pain. I was even contemplating on having a CS Delivery instead because I was in so much pain. My mother found a way to let herself in the Labor Room. She was really worried about me since it's been 15 hours already and knowing how low my tolerance to pain is she is almost sure I was having a difficult time. When I saw her, all my restraints were lost. I cried and told her I can't do this anymore, that I am in so much pain and I cannot wait another 3 more hours not knowing if my cervix will fully dilate by then. I'm sure she talked to my OB when she went out and told her to do a CS delivery instead.
October 4, 7:00 p.m.
I was wheeled in from the Labor Room to the Operating Room. My OB decided it is best to do a CS Delivery and I was made to sign a form. I was prepped up, anesthesia was injected in my spine, I was hooked up to an IV, a heart monitor and a curtain was put up just below my head to cover the operation that they will be doing. Once the anesthesia took effect, the chills began. I really thought I was dying because I was chilling pretty bad, I cannot open my mouth to talk, I had difficulty in breathing and I vomitted twice.
October 4, 7:27 p.m.
My OB announced, "Baby Out" and I finally heard my baby's first cry. I tried hard to move my head so I could take a peek but I could not see my baby. I think they moved him to another room to clean him because his cries sounded far by then. Later on, my OB told me she showed me Johan Matthew after he was cleansed but I don't have any memory of our first encounter. All I remember was his first cry and for me that was the sweetest thing I heard after being in labor for more than 16 hours.
It was never an easy labor for me, very far from what I thought I would be experiencing but I was glad I went through all the pain before delivering via Caesarian Section. The pain and the tears were all made worth it by our little Johan Matthew. Was I traumatized by it? Honestly, yes, I was scared to death when they moved me to the operating room table. Would I do it again for a second baby? Probably not, but ask me again after 4 years when I have enjoyed our Johan's company enough until he's ready for school.
Giving birth is never an easy thing but every ache and pain is worth it when you see your little one. For me, everything is definitely worth it. Everything for our little one will be worth it. :)
Hi Mae!!!
congratz sis! finally johan is out =) i've been very busy this past weeks kaya i didnt get the chance to check ur blogs. ur experience was mejo the same as mine but it's way more difficult. sis grabe 16 hrs! but as i've told you, it's all worth it! congrats new mom! enjoy every day with ur johan. ang bilis bilis ng araw.
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