Now that “the day” is fast approaching, I’ve received lots of inquiries already on what they could give Johan for his birthday. So, here again is my wish list for my baby. Don’t worry dear Ninongs and Ninangs, everything on the list are practical buys and I tried to keep the items as affordable as possible.
For Johan’s health, wellness and grooming:
Vapor Soove, Price Php295 a bottle. You can buy online at ShopSpotVapor Soove does NOT contain Camphor like many other popular chest rubs. There have reports that camphor which may cause seizures in small children. – taken from the Shop Spot website.
Jar of Hope First Aid Gel, Price Php380 per jar. You can buy online at Indigo Manila.
Made out of blue chamomile essential oil, this gel is great for mommy and daddy burnouts, stress, insomnia, fussy babies, insect bites, motion sickness, inflammation, (relieves puffy eyes from sleepless nights) rashes, cuts and wounds. Also helpful with teething! – taken from Indigo Manila’s multiply page
Shoo Fly Milk Lotion Bottle, Price Php725 for 300ml, you can buy online at Indigo Manila. Note: If you find this expensive, you can buy the smaller bottle of 60ml at Php 180.
Shoo Fly is a DEET-free insect repellant. Deet is a nasty chemical that can cause rashes, swelling, eye irritation, and worse problems, though they're unusual -- including brain swelling in children, anaphylactic shock, low blood pressure, and one report of death. – taken from Indigo Manila’s multiply page
J&J Baby Milk Bath, Price I think around Php300-400 for this huge bottle. Where to buy: SM, Watson’s, Mercury Drug
Cetaphil Skin Cleanser for Johan’s face, Price is around Php400 for the 250ml bottle. Where to buy: SM, Watson’s, Mercury Drug
Aloe Vera Kids Shampoo and Baby Wash from Human Nature, Price Php 120 for a 200ml bottle, you can buy online at Human Nature. I think they also have shops around the metro but I’m not sure where. =)
Baby wipes from Pigeon or Giggles, Price: both costs around Php100 per pack. Note: I wanted a case for the baby wipes and Pigeon has it for Php250 (I think) with 1 pack of wipes already included. Where to buy: SM Baby Company
Pigeon Trainer Toothbrush set, Price: around Php250, Where to buy: SM Baby Company
For Johan’s feeding and potty training:
A potty trainer, it need not be this Fischer Price brand but please give something with a seat cover. =)
Travel Cutlery set, any brand as long as it’s BPA-free. Price: no idea, where to buy: SM Baby Company
Evenflo’s Snack Containers, Price: Php 400, Where to buy: SM Baby Company
Sippy Cups for bottle weaning – any brand as long as BPA-free, Price: no idea, Where to buy: SM Baby Company
For Johan’s Development:
Stackable toys for Johan’s motor skills
Baby-sized lego blocks or those wooden toys to develop motor skills
Kids books
Johan’s other essentials:
1. The usual clothing - T-shirts, Kentucky Sandos from Baclaran or Divisoria
2. Diapers (hehe!) – Johan is using Huggies Dry, size can be Large or XL
3. Toys for little boys – balls, trucks, cars
Thanks everyone! See you on October 1st!
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